Sign up to play on our stage!

Entertainment in Weiser’s City Park has always been a big part of “Fiddle Week”. In past years we’ve featured solo artists, bands, cowboy poets, and even a magician or two. In addition, we’ve had a number of Grammy Award winning artists grace our stage at no charge to us or our spectators.

Our entertainers generally perform for free, but we do provide a merchandise table for all entertainers who wish to sell their wares after their show.

This is a family friendly event, so the following guidelines apply:

  • Avoid using foul language during and between songs
  • Avoid drug related references (Even if it’s legal in Oregon)
  • Decibel levels must be kept low enough for our vendors to do business. They paid good money to be here. If amplfiers are too loud you’ll be asked to turn down.
  • This is what we in the business call a “Turn & Burn” event. The simpler your setup is, the more time you get for your set.
  • Be civil to the sound crew. They work their tails off for 5 straight 12-hour days. They also control the “mute” button. If abuse, inappropriate lyrics or behavior is encountered, they will use it.

Sponsored Bands

The only bands that receive financial compensation for “Fiddle Week” performances are sponsored bands. If you help us find a sponsor, y’all get paid. We will work hard to find businesses and organizations to sponsor entertainers, but there is no guarantee. If you have fans who want to hear you play the park, hit ’em up. If you have business conections in the region that want some signage and announcements during the week, we’d love to help them out!

If you have a desire to join the ranks of entertainers who have performed during “Fiddle Week”, fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch!