We are using downloadable forms on our website.

For those of you who wish to fill out the form and mail it in with a check, simply download the file, print it out, fill it out by hand (neatly please), put it in an envelope with a check, and mail it to:

Sandra Cooper
c/o Co-Opportunities, Inc.
P.O. Box 103
Weiser, ID 83672

Using the fillable form

When you click the link to the form you need, many browsers automatically open it with fillable fields highlighted. With most of those browsers you can fill in all of the fields until you get to the very last button which says “Submit“. Then everything stops!

At that point, you need to download the form, open it up in Adobe Reader or whatever program you prefer and hope your browser kept all of the data you entered, (some do, some don’t)

It’s much safer to download the form, open it in your prefered app, fill it out and hit the submit button! At that point it opens an email with your form attached, with the” send to” and “subject” already filled out. Then, you can add a message in the body of the email or send the email, as is.

Payment for online submissions

If you wish to pay with a debit or credit card, just let us know in the email when it’s a good time to call you and we’ll contact you for your card information. If you forget, we’ll give you a call when we receive the form submitted by email. We will process the information live and you will receive a receipt by email.